2024 ICI Safety Program Awards

ICI is accepting applications for the 2024 ICI Safety Program Awards.

To be considered for an award, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Current Indiana Constructors membership.
  • No IOSHA citable work-related fatalities since January 1, 2022.
  • Must have active jobsites available for visit during July through October 2024.
  • Must allow random and unannounced jobsite validation and worker interviews.

Awards will be announced at ICI’s Annual Meeting on Friday, Dec. 6.

Completing the application:

  • Application form which is filled in and submitted once you have completed all the requested information.
  • The application form will also request independent documentation. The documents should be provided in a PDF file format and included as attachments to the email when you send your application.

For award consideration, all materials must be current and complete, submitted no later than Friday, Aug. 2.

Please contact Jim Wood at (317) 634-7547 if your company is unable to participate electronically.

2022 Safety Program Awards Application


To be considered for an award, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Current ICI membership.
  • No serious and/or “knowing” IOSHA citation associated with a work-related fatality since January 1, 2019.
  • Must have one or more active jobsites available for visit during June through September 2022.
  • Must allow random and unannounced jobsite walk-throughs and worker interviews.
  • Award recipients must work with ICI’s Safety Committee to participate in a safety roundtable gathering in early 2023.


The ICI application process consists of:

  • Interactive application form which is filled in and submitted electronically once you have completed all of the requested information. Each section of the application clearly states what is required for that section.
  • The application form will also request some independent documentation. These documents must be submitted as PDF files and included as attachments when you submit your application.
  • SurveyMonkey will save your data in your browser until you click done at the end of the survey. After you click done, you won’t be able to edit the application. It’s best to collect all your information and complete the application in one sitting.


Applications are submitted electronically and must be received by Aug. 12, 2022. All applications, at a minimum, must include OSHA 300A logs for 2019, 2020 and 2021, EMR data for 2019, 2020 and 2021 and a copy of the company safety program to be considered complete. Unanswered questions will be considered as “not applicable” responses.


To ensure fairness in the judging process, ICI will remove all identifying information, such as company name and address, from the applications and supporting documentation before providing information to ICI’s Safety Program Awards Selection Committee.


Please contact Jim Wood at (317) 634-7547 if you have questions or issues submitting the application data.



Along with quartz (crystalline silica), dry concrete contains calcium oxide. When it’s dry, calcium oxide can potentially cause respiratory irritation. The more serious hazard is when you add water to the concrete mix. When water mixes with calcium oxide, it forms calcium hydroxide, which is extremely alkaline (caustic) with a pH of 12 to 13.

Skin contact with calcium hydroxide can result in red, irritated or blistered skin. Calcium hydroxide contact can cause second- or third-degree burns that can form slowly over hours or days. Wet concrete is also hygroscopic, drawing water away from anything that holds moisture, including wet clothing or skin.

If your skin or eyes have been exposed to wet concrete, you need to take immediate action to reduce the severity of the injury:

  • Immediately wash the exposed area with clean water for approximately 20 minutes. Add vinegar to the water to help neutralize the alkalinity. Never use a water/vinegar solution to rinse the eyes.
  • Flush eyes with clean water and get immediate medical attention.
  • Remove and replace any wet PPE or clothing.
  • Wash all exposed skin areas, even if you are not aware of contact. Concrete burns can take hours to form.
  • Seek professional medical attention immediately and provide the medical personnel with the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS).


You must wear PPE to protect the skin and eyes from contact with concrete containing calcium hydroxide.

  • Safety glasses –create a barrier between your eyes and wet concrete with appropriate eye protection.
  • Chemical-resistant gloves – protect the hands with PVC, nitrile or neoprene gloves.
  • Rubber boots – prevent contact with the feet, ankles and calves. Take additional measures to prevent concrete from entering over the top of the boots.
  • Knee pads or boards – knees and lower extremities are susceptible to concrete exposure during finishing activities. Wear knee pads or use knee boards to prevent contact.

DO NOT DELAY in getting medical treatment if your skin is exposed to wet concrete. Delaying treatment can mean the difference between a mild burn and a severe injury.

Download a printable PDF and recording form here.

Members can download the audio version of this toolbox talk here.


Chipping and hammering for concrete removal are common work activities in bridge work and repair. Workers use compact pneumatic chipping hammers and jackhammers to do the job. These compact battering rams pack a lot of punch, and they can be dangerous if you don’t use them properly. Here are some common-sense tips provided by tool manufacturers.


  • Safety glasses.
  • Face shield.
  • Hearing protection.
  • Hard hat.
  • Gloves.
  • Durable work boots with protective toes.
  • N95 or greater respiratory protection unless you’re using water for silica dust control.


  • Inspect the jackhammer or chipping hammer for damage and make sure all controls and safety interlocks work properly.
  • Check all couplings and accessories on all compressors and ensure that only correct, compatible couplings are in place.
  • Make sure safety or holding pins used on all hose connections are in place.
  • Inspect the safety clip or tool retainer for proper operation. This prevents you from unintentionally shooting the chisel or tool from the barrel.


  • Never exceed the tool’s designated operating pressure.
  • Never point a compressed air hose at yourself or anyone else.
  • Never use compressed air to blow dirt or debris from your clothes.
  • Always disconnect the tool when you’re not using it or when you are changing accessories.


  • Make sure that loose clothing doesn’t get caught in the equipment.
  • Verify that workers won’t encounter electrical or gas lines while performing the work.
  • Keep both hands on the tool.
  • Watch for excess lengths of the air hose, which can cause a tripping hazard.
  • Properly position your body while moving and using the equipment.
  • Allow the tool to do the work by using a grip light enough to maintain control.
  • Discontinue use if numbness, tingling, pain or discoloration of the skin occurs.
  • Always follow any manufacturer special instructions.

Download a printable PDF and recording form here.

Members can download the audio version of this toolbox talk here.


Bites and stings from bees and wasps, fire ants, spiders, ticks and mites can be common occurrences for contractors.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the five insects that cause most allergic reactions in the United States are honeybees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and fire ants. Watch bite or sting victims of these insects for severe allergic reactions. The following symptoms require immediate emergency medical attention:

  • Coughing.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Chest pain.
  • Severe sweating.
  • Itching.
  • Nausea/Vomiting.
  • Redness and swelling around the area of the bite/sting.
  • Hives.

Areas of the body most susceptible to bites and stings are your head, exposed arms and exposed hands. You can reduce bites and stings by keeping these areas covered. You can also reduce your exposure by keeping work areas clean. Insects may be attracted to discarded food or open drink containers.

If you are susceptible to an allergic reaction from an insect bite or sting, you should inform your employer. People that are aware that they have a severe allergy to insect bites or stings should also:

  • Consider making their co-workers aware.
  • Wear a medical warning bracelet or necklace.
  • Carry a wallet card.
  • Carry an epinephrine auto-injector.


  • Remove the stinger by using a gauze wipe or by scraping a fingernail over the area.
  • Never squeeze the stinger or use tweezers.
  • Wash the site with soap and water.
  • Apply ice to reduce swelling.
  • Seek medical attention and report work-related injuries.

Download a printable PDF and recording form here.

Members can download the audio version of this toolbox talk here.