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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan orci luctus nibh congue, ut interdum tortor luctus. Integer eget nisi arcu. Fusce egestas dapibus hendrerit. Quisque finibus eu dui sit amet sagittis. Pellentesque a ante ut lorem pulvinar rhoncus non nec quam. In augue nulla, sagittis vitae nisi ac, maximus viverra risus. Sed nec sodales erat, vitae faucibus dolor. Curabitur at risus commodo, sodales turpis sed, tempus quam.
The Hazards of Leading Edges – Part II: Excavation
This week we’ll look at leading edge hazards in excavation work. OSHA regulates hazardous elevations starting at 48 inches (four feet) in general industry, and 72 inches (6 feet) in […]
The Hazards of Leading Edges – Part I: Roof Work
Falls are the number one cause of fatalities in construction. According to OSHA, more than 800 construction workers die every year while on the job. Because falls cause one in […]

Assured Clear Distance — Avoiding Rear-End Collisions
According to the National Safety Council, more than 2.5 million rear-end collisions are reported every year, making them the most common type of automobile accident. The likelihood of a rear-end […]

What a Pain in the Knee
Every year, the construction industry accounts for nearly 1.8 million injuries that result from physical strain, and approximately 40 percent of all worker compensation claims involve medical treatment for these […]