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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan orci luctus nibh congue, ut interdum tortor luctus. Integer eget nisi arcu. Fusce egestas dapibus hendrerit. Quisque finibus eu dui sit amet sagittis. Pellentesque a ante ut lorem pulvinar rhoncus non nec quam. In augue nulla, sagittis vitae nisi ac, maximus viverra risus. Sed nec sodales erat, vitae faucibus dolor. Curabitur at risus commodo, sodales turpis sed, tempus quam.
Nails—The Unexpected Hazard
Workers used 1.3 billion pounds of nails on American construction projects in 2013. To get an idea of how many nails that is, multiply 1.3 billion by the average number […]
Equipment Spotters
According to the Federal Highway Administration, equipment accidents on worksites cause more than a hundred deaths each year. The administration’s statistics show that between 2005 and 2010, major causes of […]
Lime Hazards in Soil Stabilization
Rainfall is generally plentiful during late winter and early spring. Higher temperatures allow the ground to absorb the rain rather than freezing above ground. This eventually saturates the soil and […]
Cold Weather Machine Safety
Cold weather affects motorized equipment — not only the engine, but the hydraulic systems as well. Equipment that does not operate smoothly or predictably is a safety hazard to operators […]