
Annual FHWA 1391 Report

Source: Katie Daniels, INDOT Lead Workforce & Education Specialist

Annual FHWA 1391 Report

This applies to all Prime contractors, subcontractors, and haulers (NOT including material suppliers) working on a federal-aid highway construction contract in excess of $10,000.00.
The FHWA 1391 Report continues to be an ITAP application and all reporting must be done via that application. Paper forms or excel spreadsheets will not be accepted and will be returned. To create an ITAP account go to: https://itap.indot.in.gov/login.aspx and the application needed is called FHWA 1391 Report.

This year’s reporting period will be for the week of July 23-July 29, 2023. Detailed instructions can be found within the FHWA 1391 Report application itself by clicking on the “HELP” icon. The application will open on July 23, 2023 and close on August 31, 2023. Once it closes you will not be able to submit your workforce and you will be in non-compliance with the FHWA requirements.

Workforce reporting is simplified, it is no longer necessary to report your workforce by each individual contract. Instead, each contractor or hauler will be required to submit one FHWA 1391 Report for their entire workforce on ALL federal-aid contracts. If your company does not have workforce on any federal-aid contracts during the reporting period there is a box to click indicating “No Activity” and then submit the report.

Please feel free to contact kdaniels2@indot.in.gov with any questions.