Drugs, Alcohol and Construction Don’t Mix

Alcohol and drug use among employees and their family members can be an expensive problem for any industry.

The impact of alcoholism and drug dependence in the workplace generally focuses on four major areas: premature death and fatal accidents; injuries and accident rates; absenteeism; and loss of productivity. Other problem areas include tardiness, sleeping on the job, poor decision making, loss of efficiency, theft, workplace morale, high turnover and more. In addition, family members living with someone’s alcoholism or drug use may also suffer significant job performance related problems, including absenteeism, lack of focus, increased health-related problems and use of health insurance.

There is a certain level of danger associated with any construction job site. Because we don’t want to add to the danger, it’s important to establish guidelines and consequences for substance abuse and help employees follow those guidelines.

Coworkers are often reluctant to let management know when they suspect drug or alcohol activity. They are concerned that any coworkers they identify will be penalized or even lose their jobs. The reality is that the abuser is placed in far greater jeopardy when this information is not reported. Silence helps to foster opportunities for hazards and continued drug use to exist. Below are three suggestions on how to deal with this type of situation:

  • Don’t be an enabler. When you cover up for substance abusers, lend them money or help conceal poor work performance, you are protecting them from the consequences of their behavior and making it possible for them to continue using drugs or alcohol.
  • Don’t look the other way. If you suspect drugs are being used or sold on your worksite, report it to your supervisor. Contacts are normally confidential and anonymous.
  • Don’t intervene on your own. Drug abuse and drug dealing are serious problems, and qualified professionals should handle them.

Cooperation is the key to dealing with substance abuse in the workplace. Employers and employees alike have a role to play. We must all recognize our roles and carry out our responsibilities. We must ensure:

  1. A comprehensive drug-free policy is in place.
  2. Employees are educated regarding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
  3. Supervisors are trained to recognize such abuse.
  4. Employees are periodically tested.
  5. Assistance is available for employees who require help.

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Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue is the condition of being physically or mentally tired or exhausted. Extreme fatigue can lead to uncontrolled and involuntary shutdown of the brain, which can be extremely dangerous on a construction site. Research has shown that:

  • 17 hours of continuously being awake is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of .05;
  • 21 hours of continuously being awake is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of .08 (the legal limit in Indiana); and
  • 24-25 hours of continuously being awake is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of .10.

These statistics show that when you are fatigued it is very likely that you will make errors in judgement. Your mind and eyes can be off task, and you can make a critical error.

A sleep-impaired worker may also experience lack of manual dexterity and alertness. The drowsiness associated with sleep deprivation can jeopardize safety when working with machinery, at heights and certainly while driving vehicles. Sleep-impaired workers may be more irritable and might take more risks than they would if they were rested. Research has also proven that workers are far more likely to forget rote tasks when they are deprived of sleep on a regular basis.

Here are some tips from the National Sleep Foundation for getting a good night’s sleep:

  • Don’t sleep in on your days off. Maintain your workday sleep schedule.
  • Wind down before going to bed. Experts recommend that you establish a regular relaxing routine to transition between waking and sleeping. Soak in a hot tub or read a book before retiring. This can greatly improve your quality of sleep. Make your bedroom sleep friendly by making it a dark, quiet, cool and comfortable place.
  • Use your bed for sleeping. Watching television or working on a computer can impede your ability to truly relax when it’s time to sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol for several hours before bedtime.
  • Allow enough time for sleep. Before you protest and say you would if you could, consider that people who get enough sleep are significantly more productive during their waking hours than people who are sleep deprived.
  • Nap when possible. A 20-minute nap (no more) followed by exercise will make you feel refreshed and provide a pick-me-up that will make you more productive.
  • Exercise regularly and complete your workout a few hours before bedtime.
  • Finish eating at least two to three hours before your regular bedtime.

Remember, the treatment for sleepiness and fatigue is sleep. A rested worker is more alert and focused, and is likely to be more productive and work safely.

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Hard hat inspection and maintenance

The hard hat is one of the oldest, most widely used and important pieces of personal protective equipment on the construction site. In order for it to protect you, you must be regularly inspect it, maintain it and wear it properly. The following tips will help you keep your hard hat in optimal condition:

  1. Inspect your hard hat before each use.
  • Begin with the shell, and look for cracks, nicks, dents, gouges and any damage caused by impact, penetration or abrasions. If your hat is made of thermoplastic materials, check the shell for stiffness, brittleness, fading, dullness of color or a chalky appearance. If any of these conditions are present, or if the shell is damaged, replace it immediately.
  • If your work is predominantly in sunlight, consider replacing your hard hat more frequently. Ultraviolet light can cause the hat’s shell to deteriorate over time. Also, replace your hat’s shell if you work in an area with high exposure to temperature extremes or chemicals. You can find the date code on the underside brim of the cap.
  • Inspect the suspension in your hard hat. The suspension absorbs the shock of a blow to the top of the hard hat. Look for cracks, tears, frayed or cut straps or lack of pliability. All keys should fit tightly and securely into their respective key slots. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly. Replace your suspension if it shows signs of wear or damage.
  1. Limit the use of stickers. They won’t necessarily interfere with the hat’s performance, but they may interfere with your ability to thoroughly inspect the shell for signs of damage.
  2. Replace a hat that has been struck by a forcible blow. The impact can reduce a hard hat’s effectiveness.
  3. Never modify the shell or suspension. Do not drill ventilation holes in the shell. Never use a suspension that is not intended for use in your particular hard hat shell. Do not carry or wear anything inside of your hard hat between the suspension and the shell.
  4. Don’t wear your hard hat backwards unless the manufacturer certifies that it is safe to do so. You should have written verification from the manufacturer that your hard hat has been tested and that it complies with the requirements of the American National Standards Institute when worn with the bill turned to the rear. The manufacturer may specify that the suspension should be reversed in the helmet to ensure adequate protection. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Inspecting, maintaining and/or replacing your hard hat is well worth the effort and expense. You don’t want to be injured because you are wearing a hard hat that has outlived its usefulness.

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New Season/New Jobsite – Keep it Safe

Safety is one of the key factors to consider as we begin planning for a new construction season. It’s important to have a plan to minimize the possibility of dangerous situations. Remember, it’s everyone’s responsibility to follow company rules and immediately report dangerous situations to the appropriate supervisor.

As we move into a new construction season, consider these sugestions to ensure jobsite safety:

  • Consider creating and using a jobsite inspection checklist.
  • Identify jobsite hazards such as overhead power lines, trenches, traffic bottlenecks, material and chemical storage areas.
  • Review the location of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and nearby medical facilities to use in case of an emergency.
  • Review the emergency contact plan, update it as necessary and identify the location of emergency telephone numbers.
  • Make sure everyone understands how internal traffic should flow through the jobsite, including those on foot.
  • Identify and communicate where employees, subcontractors and suppliers should park their vehicles.
  • Review the Hazard Communication Program, clearly identify the location of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and ensure containers are clearly marked.
  • Document that you have provided proper training to all employees prior to, or as they arrive, on the job.
  • Inform employees that the company will not tolerate safety infractions, and supervisors will follow the company’s safety policy, with progressive disciplinary action for safety violations.
  • Notify suppliers and subcontractors that the company will hold them accountable for safety infractions.

Planning ahead for safety will help avoid unnecessary delays and work stoppages. It’s more difficult to adjust or add safety guidelines once a job has begun.

Safety should be a vital component of each aspect of the construction process. A job is off to a good start when safety is a priority from the beginning.

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How to Prevent Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injury is one of the most common injuries in construction. Soft tissue refers to tissues that connect, support or surround other structures and organs of the body. Here are some of the most common soft tissue injuries reported in construction:

  • Muscle sprains and strains;
  • Injuries to muscles, ligaments, intervertebral dics and other structures in the back;
  • Injuries to nerves, ligaments and tendons in the wrists, arms, shoulders, neck or legs;
  • Abdominal hernias; and
  • Chronic pain.

These injuries can occur suddenly or over a prolonged period of time. Risk factors for soft tissue injuries include awkward postures, repetitive motion, excessive force, static posture, vibration and poorly designed tools. The good news is that soft tissue injuries, and the conditions caused by them, are preventable.

The following precautions can help prevent soft tissue injuries:

  • Stretch before you use your muscles.
  • Avoid bending or twisting the back or neck.
  • Avoid overexertion.
  • Use ladders to reach overhead objects and mechanical equipment to carry and move heavy materials.
  • Use proper lifting techniques. Lift with your legs, not your back.
  • Make the most of your break times and stretch muscles that have become tense from continuous sitting and/or exposure to vibration.
  • Use tools properly. When possible, keep tools between your waist and shoulder height, which is considered the “lifting zone.” This gives you the most leverage, and allows the strongest muscles to do the work.
  • Keep your work area clean and free of hazards. Pick up loose objects from the floor, and clean up spills immediately to eliminate tripping and slipping hazards.

Take action today. Decide what you can do right now to help prevent a soft tissue injury, and then do it. You’ll end up with a safer workplace and fewer workplace injuries.

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The Importance of Safety Training

Safety training is vital to every construction workplace, and should include all employees whether they are full- or part-time, new hires, contract workers, supervisors and managers or workers in high risk areas. Do not overlook the long-term worker whose job changes as a result of new processes or materials.

Some companies tend to be apprehensive about the amount of time and cost involved with safety training and development; however, reports show that the investment in training guarantees positive results, and helps decrease workplace hazards, injuries and deaths.

Training does come with a cost, but workplace accidents cost much more.

Costs to the employee due to an accident could include:

  • Lost wages; injury or death; mental anguish; physical pain and suffering; decreased active participation with family and friends; and the inability to be productive on or off the job.

Costs to the employer could include:

  • Workers’ Compensation claims; medical bills; associated legal fees; possible increased insurance costs and uninsured property damage costs; loss of a valuable employee; lost efficiency on the job while training someone new; damaged or destroyed equipment, materials or tools and more.

Most of the injuries that result from workplace accidents could have been prevented with increased awareness of possible hazards and proper training. Properly trained employees are more likely to notice and report problems so that solutions can be found before an accident occurs.

Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility. Report unsafe acts and near-misses immediately. Listen and learn from all training provided, and be an active participant in learning a job skill or safety issue. Ask questions if training or instruction is not clear. Readdress issues with the supervisor on unresolved topics. Be an active part of the safety of your jobsite. Participate in safety meetings and training sessions, and set a good example for others on the work crew.

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