AGC Comments on FHWA Buy America Revisions

Source: AGC Highway Facts Bulletin

AGC submitted comments to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in strong support of its proposal to provide nationwide waivers of Buy America requirements for commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) products with iron and steel components and for steel tie wire permanently incorporated in precast concrete products. AGC also urged FHWA to issue a nationwide waiver for specialized steel lifting devices that are incorporated in precast concrete products. AGC suggested that FHWA raise the dollar threshold for the minimum amount of steel products that can be exempted from Buy America requirements from $2500 to $20,000 or base it on a PPI escalator. AGC also suggested that utility relocation work required as part of a highway improvement project also be exempted.

FHWA took this action to relieve some of the burden on states in implementing Buy America requirements. While these requirements have been in place since the mid-1980s, following the ramp up of Federal highway funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), new scrutiny was placed on how Buy America requirements were enforced on FHWA funded projects. The new scrutiny led to unreasonable requirements to obtain certification that every component of every manufactured product was Buy America compliant. The new scrutiny also led to every project component, no matter how small (nails, bolts, etc) to also meet the mandate. At AGC’s urging FHWA issued guidance relieving some of the mandate on manufactured products but this was challenged in court. The judge ruled that FHWA had not followed proper procedures in issuing this guidance. AGC along with several industry groups urged FHWA to issue a rule following the proper procedures to relieve some of the burden.

INDOT – Super Slab Construction Project

Source: INDOT


US 40 (South A Street) from South 3rd Street to South 11th Street, and US 40 (South 11th Street) from South A Street to East Main Street.
US 27 (8th Street) from South O Street to North D Street, and US 27 (Chester Blvd.) from North F Street to Whitewater River bridge.
City of Richmond, Wayne County

Des. No.: 0013790 and 0100701
Contract No.: R-30397

INDOT is testing implementation of a new pavement treatment approach for PCCP Pavement Rehab, Precast Concrete Pavement (PCP). Several experimental projects are, or will be coordinated, as each set of projects will involve testing a different PCP system. US 40 in Richmond is the first of these test projects. A Precast Concrete Pavement Forum was hosted by the Joint Transportation Research Project (JTRP) on August 11 addressing the general use of PCP.

Now we are detailing and preparing to bid, award and accomplish this first test project. Thank you for your interest in the project and helping INDOT in improving and increasing the effectiveness of our pavement operations.

Timeline (Anticipated):

  • Project Information Meeting: September 16, 2016 @ 1:00 pm at the Greenfield District Main Conference Room
  • Anticipated Contract Letting Date: January 19, 2017


Please submit questions to Joann Wooldridge (