DBE and ACDBE Certification Procedures During COVID-19 Pandemic

INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division will be following this federal guidance.  All DBEs should read this information carefully and forward any questions to dbecertification@indot.in.gov

INDOT EOD will not be conducting in person on site visits for new applicants geographically located in the State of Indiana through at least May 6, 2020.  We will reevaluate at that time.  INDOT EOD is reviewing different ways to conduct onsite visits virtually at this time. 

INDOT EOD will not suspend DBEs for failure to submit the no change affidavit in a timely manner at this time.  If your no change affidavit is complete, please submit it using the normal protocols of logging into ITAP, uploading the appropriate paperwork and submitting.  If you do not have your business taxes for 2019 at this time, please just let us know by emailing dbecertification@indot.in.gov.  We are keeping a record of those who have requested a delay in submission and will catch those up as the situation allows. 

Other than these two changes, we are committed to continuing to provide the same level of service our DBE community expects.  Please stay safe and feel free to contact any of the INDOT EOD staff with additional questions.  As we are all working remotely, the best way to contact us is via email.  

Stay safe everyone! 

Elizabeth Kiefner Crawford
Director, Economic Opportunity Division
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 North Senate Avenue – Room N750
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Direct Dial: (317) 650-1689

Email:  Ekiefner1@indot.in.gov

Electronic DBE/ACDBE Application is Here

On July 8, INDOT will launch its Electronic DBE/ACDBE application. The application will become the portal for potential applicants to apply for DBE/ACDBE certification and for existing DBEs to submit any and all DBE related materials.

There will be a user guide to access the electronic application placed on EOD’s website by July 7.

DBEs should be proactive and register their business on the Indiana Technical Application Pathway (ITAP), http://itap.indot.in.gov. Instructions for using ITAP are on the ITAP login screen. Once you log, request the DBE/ACDBE application to access the system.

EOD Staff will start contacting existing DBEs with August certification anniversary dates with guidance on how to proceed with their annual submittals. Electronic submittals to the DBE certification mailbox will be accepted only through July 31, 2016 for existing DBEs with a July anniversary date.

Please note after July 31, 2016 all submittals for DBE related purposes will ONLY be accepted via the electronic application portal.