At the Statehouse. On Capitol Hill. Indiana Constructors, Inc. is your voice in the industry regulation process. As new issues come up, our staff and professional lobbyists will analyze impact, create industry positions and advocate for you and your business.
We’ll keep you updated in our weekly newsletters and with special bulletins, and we may even ask you to help participate in the process by contacting your elected officials.
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Buy American vs. Buy America
President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed an executive order intended to strengthen Buy American provisions. Congress passed the Buy American Act in 1933. This program covers specified products and requires […]

Public Hearing Notice – NPDES General Permit Changes
The Environmental Rules Board (ERB) will hold a public hearing through Zoom on amendments to 327 IAC 5 and 327 IAC 15 concerning National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permits. […]

Multiemployer Projections Show Need for Program Changes
Absent changes in law, the financial condition of PBGC’s Multiemployer Insurance Program will continue to worsen over the next 10 years. About 125 multiemployer plans covering 1.4 million people are […]

Utility Excavator Filing Requirement Repealed in 2019 Session
Excavators contracting with utility facility operators or owners are no longer required to file a statement of compliance with the Indiana Secretary of State’s office as of May 1, 2019. […]