
Crystalline Silica: What You Need to Know

OSHA’s Final Rule on Crystalline Silica is now out and will go into effect soon. The construction industry needs to understand the obligations under the new standard as well as their compliance options. This webinar will provide the construction industry with background information about the new 29 CFR 1926.1153 – Respirable crystalline silica, including general information about performing construction work on silica containing materials, the historical significance of the rule, key details as to how the rule will affect construction jobsite, as well as what is necessary to comply with the final rule. Here’s a copy of the presentation to assist you with following along.


Participants in this webinar will able to:

  • Understand the history of the crystalline silica standard as well as key compliance dates.
  • Comprehend the scope and the application of the standard to construction industry.
  • Detail the compliance requirements for jobsite activities covered by the standard.


Bradford Hammock, a partner at Jackson Lewis P.C., whose practice focuses exclusively on safety and health issues, will provide information to help the construction industry understand the final OSHA silica rule.


Click here to access the webinar, and use password: CSC4.


This webinar is brought to you by the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC). The CISC is comprised of 25 construction industry trade associations representing virtually every construction trade, task and activity of the member associations. For more information, visit www.buildingsafely.org.