
Senate Overwhelmingly Passes WRDA

Urge Your Representative to Pass WRDA

The Senate passed the AGC-supported $9 billion Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 by an overwhelming 95-3 on September 15. The Senate WRDA bill authorizes funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects, including navigation (dredging, locks), flood control (levees), hydropower (dams), recreation (parks) and water supply. Additionally, the Senate WRDA bill creates a Clean Water Trust Fund, a longtime AGC priority, State Revolving Fund and Water Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act funding for cities with declared lead in water emergencies (like Flint, Mich.), reauthorizing sewer overflow control grants, new funding for technical assistance to small treatment plants, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance assistance for small disadvantaged communities, reauthorizing funding for desalination, and assistance for low-income residents when replacing lead service lines to homes.

The House has yet to bring up its version of WRDA after it passed out of committee, however conversations with key members and staff indicate the House could bring up its soon. The House version does not include the drinking water/wastewater provisions in the Senate bill. AGC will continue to pursue passage of WRDA in both the House and Senate and fight for all AGC priorities in the bill through conference and presidential signature.

For more information, contact Scott Berry at (703) 837-5321.