Safety is our No. 1 priority, and we’ve got you covered with the latest industry-specific safety news. Click on the cards below for full stories.

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Emergency Site Evacuation

It is imperative that all employees know what to do in the event of an emergency when the construction site must be quickly evacuated. Work sites might need to be […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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27th Annual National AGC Safety Awards

The National AGC Safety Awards (NASA) program has been an ongoing effort since 1991 to offer AGC members an opportunity to evaluate their safety record.  Participating contractors receive a confidential […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments

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Winter Work Safety

Each season brings its own set of hazards for construction workers. As we enter the winter season, be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body and proper […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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Ten Important Reasons for Safety Training

For most construction workers, wintertime is generally “downtime.” However, it is also a good time to conduct safety training without disrupting normal productivity. Safety training is essential to the success […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments