Source: INDOT Director of Environmental Services Laura Hilden
Red Flag Investigation Template Update
There is now a new Geographic Information Systems (GIS) layer for Urbanized Area Boundary (UAB). This new layer is now part of the Red Flag Investigation template. For the purposes of the Red Flag Investigation, a separate map should be completed for the UAB using the water resources template map. The Red Flag Investigation template and general guidance can be found at under Hazardous Materials Information. The Red Flag Investigation report template guidance document should be followed for all Red Flag Investigations prepared. For questions concerning Red Flag Investigations, please contact Marlene Mathas (Hazardous Materials Team Lead) at or Nicole Fohey-Breting (Hazardous Materials Specialist) at
MS4 Coordination
If the project is within an UAB, coordination with the appropriate MS4 coordinator is required. A sample notification letter and list of designated MS4 entities currently permitted can be found at under Stormwater Coordination Guidance. For questions concerning MS4s, please contact Michele Meyer (MS4 Program Coordinator) at
Hazardous Material Manual
The hazardous material manual is currently under development (Summer 2017)
Laura Hilden
Director of Environmental Services
Indiana Department of Transportation
Room N642, 100 N. Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2217
Desk: 317-232-5018
Cell: 317-340-2702