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Rigging Safety

Originally published 03/15/2017 Construction workers may think rigging looks like an easy operation, but, don’t be fooled. Many people who’ve thought that “anyone can do it” have lost fingers or […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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Conducting an Internal Safety Audit

Originally published March 21, 2017 Safety should be the first concern on every construction site. To enhance your company’s safety culture, it’s a good idea to periodically perform an internal […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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Review Board to Cover Portland Cement Monitoring

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has proposed an amendment to Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 326 IAC 3-5-1(b)(5) concerning the requirement for Portland cement plant kilns and clinker coolers […]

POST BY Dan Osborn | 0 Comments

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Foot Protection

Originally published 01/10/2017 In construction, we typically spend more than 10 hours a day on our feet. We walk on uneven surfaces, through mud, water, ice and snow, and expose […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments