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Winter Work Safety

Originally published 01/31/2018 When performing construction and other work during the winter season, be mindful of the weather, its effects on the body and proper actions to prevent serious injury, […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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Fire Protection on Construction Sites

Originally published 01/24/2018 A fire on a construction site can result in serious injuries and loss of supplies, equipment and even lives. All employees need to be familiar with the […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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Fall Prevention – Elevated Work Platforms

Originally published 01/10/2018 Most incidents where construction workers fall from elevated platforms have a common theme: the workers were not using fall protection or weren’t properly tied off. Workers operating […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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2019 LDC Holiday Party Participants

As of 12/06/2019 We’re looking forward to hosting the 2019 LDC Holiday Party on Friday night, Dec. 6 at the Union Station Grand Hall in downtown Indy. Registration will close […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments