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Emissions Unit Reporting Requirements Comments Requested

The Indiana Environmental Rules Board has scheduled a public hearing on amendments to Indiana code concerning the rules governing emissions unit reporting requirements during start-up, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM). Please […]

POST BY Dan Osborn | 0 Comments

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Employers Must Update Two Federal Employment Law Posters

Source: AGC Federal Report Employers Must Update Two Federal Employment Law Posters Immediate Requirement With little notice, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) revised two federal employment law posters – […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments

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Blacklisting Executive Order – What’s AGC Doing About It?

Source: AGC of America Federal Contractors Face Additional Sanctions Under Final Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Regulation – Webinar Wednesday TAKE ACTION: Urge Congress to Block Application of this EO […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments