TO: BIC Grassroots Network and Road Funding Partners
FROM: Vicki Kitchin, Executive Director
DATE: February 9, 2017
BIC MATTERS: Bosma, Soliday, Kenley, McGuinness to Speak at Road Funding Day
Road Funding Day Speakers Announced
Register for Road Funding Day on February 21 and hear what these VIPs have to say about the legislation being debated by the Indiana General Assembly this year:
- Indiana Speaker of the House Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis)
- House Roads and Transportation Committee Chairman Ed Soliday (R-Valparaiso)
- Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Luke Kenley (R-Noblesville)
- INDOT Commissioner Joe McGuinness
The schedule for the day is shown here:
February 21, 2017
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
350 W. Maryland Street
10:00 AM Registration and networking
10:30 AM Briefing featuring Speaker Bosma, Chairman Soliday, Chairman Kenley and Commissioner McGuinness
12:00 PM Lunch for all attendees – our coalition has invited ALL legislators to attend the lunch
1:30 PM Legislator visits at the statehouse (just across the street from the Marriott)
At the event registration site, you can see we have about 160 people signed up including county and city officials, economic development reps., farmers, organized labor, MPOs, road corridor groups, chambers and many from BIC’s collective membership. Make sure your name is on the list, but don’t stop there. Encourage your local officials to attend. Also, reach out to your local legislators and encourage them to attend the lunch. So far, we have about twenty legislators who have signed up for the lunch and we’re re-issuing the invitation again today. Remember, we will also visit with legislators after lunch at the Statehouse.
Bottom line: We need a large crowd for this event to show our esteemed speakers the breadth of support for this year’s road funding legislation across the state. Sign up today.
Updated List of Town Hall Meetings
Yesterday, we issued a new list of town hall meetings for the next few days. We’ve learned that the LaPorte/Hammond meeting is cancelled. View this Town Halls document for the most up-to-date schedule.
House Ways and Means Committee Vote Sheet
Here’s the official vote sheet from yesterday’s Ways and Means Committee action on HB 1002. It wasn’t available for our update yesterday. Look at the column marked “DPA,” meaning “Do Pass as Amended”, for the final committee vote on the amended bill.