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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan orci luctus nibh congue, ut interdum tortor luctus. Integer eget nisi arcu. Fusce egestas dapibus hendrerit. Quisque finibus eu dui sit amet sagittis. Pellentesque a ante ut lorem pulvinar rhoncus non nec quam. In augue nulla, sagittis vitae nisi ac, maximus viverra risus. Sed nec sodales erat, vitae faucibus dolor. Curabitur at risus commodo, sodales turpis sed, tempus quam.

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First Aid Basics

Contractors are required to have at least one person on the worksite with first aid training. However, it is a good idea for everyone to have some basic knowledge of […]

POST BY admin_ici | 0 Comments

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ICI Welcomes New Member

The ICI Board has approved Indiana Traffic Services, LLC’s application for subcontractor membership. The company specializes in permanent and temporary pavement markings, as well as rental and sales of traffic […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments

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New ConstructorCast Episode Explores Cybersecurity

Listen to the latest ConstructorCast for an in-depth discussion of the cybersecurity risks facing the construction industry, how hackers target firms and what you can do to protect yourself and […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments

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Senate Overwhelmingly Passes WRDA

Urge Your Representative to Pass WRDA The Senate passed the AGC-supported $9 billion Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 by an overwhelming 95-3 on September 15. The Senate WRDA […]

POST BY Andria Hine | 0 Comments