
BIC MATTERS: Sen. Long Talks about Senate Action on Road Funding

TO: BIC Grassroots Network
FROM: Vicki Kitchin, Executive Director
DATE: March 23, 2017

BIC MATTERS: Sen. Long Talks about Senate Action on Road Funding

Want to know what the Senate is thinking about road funding? Watch the first eight minutes of this video as Senate President Pro Tempore David Long talks about pending senate action on a road funding package: periscope.tv/w/a6J6kTFXTEVS. This was his weekly wrap-up with statehouse media earlier today. (If you have trouble with the video link, you can find it on Twitter @INSenateGOP.)

Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy to Hear HB 1002 Next Week
The Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee will hear HB 1002 for the second time on Tuesday, March 28. At this meeting the Committee will amend and vote on the bill. BIC’s lobbying team and our coalition partners are talking with leadership about the importance of maintaining the HB 1002 funding levels for the long-term.

ACTION REQUIRED: It is critical that you encourage your senator to support actions that will provide the $1.2 billion additional annual funding over the next twenty years for state and local roads and bridges, as contained in HB 1002. Please contact your senator by end of day Monday, March 27 and contact BIC with feedback.

Our coalition Toolbox contains a list of all senators’ contact information, or check out the list for the Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee.

Town Hall Update
This week’s list includes meetings tomorrow (Friday) in South Bend, on Saturday in Mooresville, Tipton, Kewanna, Seymour, LaGrange, Otwell, on Sunday in Napoleon and on Monday in Danville. If you are from one of these communities, please attend and talk to your legislators about road funding. They need to hear local support.

Road Funding Day Success
Thank you to everyone who attended our coalition’s Road Funding Day at the Statehouse on March 21. About 90 persons made it their mission to meet with state senators and representatives and urge them to support HB 1002. Here are photos from the high-impact day.

With only about four weeks left in the legislative session, now is the time for everyone to stay in contact with legislators. Remember to contact BIC after you talk with them. Thanks for your support.